Joy First™ Podcast

10 Joy First Recipes for the New Year (episode 8)

10 Joy First Recipes for the New Year (episode 8)



How about we skip the New Year's Resolutions this year and instead get real about the practical how-to's of finding and prioritizing joy amidst the challenges of entrepreneurship and family life. Today we've got ten road-tested, simple but powerful recipes for making joy easier to find, choose and share each day. If you're ready to shrug off the expectations society, our families and friends put on us in favor of a personal truth that feels more authentic - you're going to love this conversation.



  • Pick one of 10 simple recipes for joy first living and working
  • Inspo for a 'word of the year' that leads to the type of change and growth you want most
  • How to ditch the one thought pattern that is enemy #1 of growth
  • The fastest route to greater intimacy and trust
  • My #1 non-negotiable to improve and maintain my mental health.
  • Top tips for how to reject societal 'shoulds' that kill joy
  • What to measure on the way to success
  • The most effective tool we've found in 20 yrs for increasing productivity and consistency
  • The contagious way your joy can help everyone around you



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